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5 Children
Face to face
12:00 - 15:00
Kids are prepared for life by focusing on games and competitions that emphasize competition and sharing in sports branches. With planned and qualified training, children’s activities and predispositions in sports branches are measured, hidden talents are scanned and guidance is given regarding the sports branches in which they are talented. Fun and Education come together at our MUCSS Sports School.
When it comes to sports, there is a common misconception that if a child does not start very early, they will never be successful in a sport. But younger doesn’t always mean better. The important thing is to get them started at some point, but you need to do it in a way that sparks their interest and enthusiasm. Preschoolers at this stage will have developed a number of simple movements and will thus be ready to tackle more aspects of general ball or tennis activities.
Toddlers at this stage are ready to engage in more structured play activities, such as running, jumping, or playing with a ball. A 3-4 year old child may begin to develop an interest in a particular sport and this can be encouraged. Just make sure they aren’t exerting themselves in any way that could lead to injury or exhaustion.
The most important aspect of our Fitness Lessons program is to encourage all children to participate and move their bodies in many different ways. Through active play, young children learn how to control their body’s abilities and movements.
In addition to physical skills such as running, jumping, jumping, catching, throwing and kicking; We focus on teaching concepts like how to be a good athlete, how to follow the rules, and how to enjoy being active even if they don’t win a particular game. Other positive results of our program are the benefits it provides to all areas of learning.
Nam nulla ipsum, venenatis malesuada felis quis, ultricies.
Nam nulla ipsum, venenatis malesuada felis quis, ultricies.
Nam nulla ipsum, venenatis malesuada felis quis, ultricies.
Nam nulla ipsum, venenatis malesuada felis quis, ultricies.
School Principal
Type of course
Select Option
Select Option
Photography 15
Geography 20
English 25
Maths 30
Number of person
Additional Activities
Select Option
Individual interview
Select Option
Individual interview 5
Gymnastics 6
Cafeteria 7
Library 8
Online Lesson
Address: Sukarno cd.No 33 Hilal mah. Çankaya ,Ankara Phone: 0312 439 74 77
Our profiles are always up to date and full of news for our pupils.
Monthly sending of the summary of the activities carried out and future ones.