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Online Lessons

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Books Incl.

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Sport Activity

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5 Children


Face to face


12:00 - 15:00


Within the enriched education program, there is a separate workshop class for each branch course. While our students carry out their education and activities outside the classroom, the necessary cleaning operations are provided in their classrooms. Therefore, virus/germ contamination due to air pollution is prevented.


Ventilation in classrooms continues in summer and winter, weekdays and weekends. So much so that, while protected windows are opened to ensure that our children can get fresh air in the classroom in winter, the protected radiators continue to burn so that they do not get cold.


Cleaning, filter changes and maintenance of the water tanks and water purification devices in our schools are carried out regularly, ahead of time.


The hygiene of our ground floor, where we have permanent cleaning personnel, is ensured at periodic intervals. Otherwise, that area is cleaned immediately. Ventilation of the lobby floor is always done.

Our students wash their hands correctly under teacher supervision before and after breakfast, lunch and afternoon meals during the day. He always washes his hands after branch classes, in-class activities and garden activities; If necessary, spare clothes and top changes are made by their teachers.


As SPS Pre-School we will continue to be alert and vigilant against the threat of the virus. This will be achieved by:

  • Education for staff, children and parents
  • Effective hygiene practices
  • Effective and frequent cleaning procedures
  • Effective and frequent sanitising and disinfection regimes
  • Social distancing
  • Increased ventilation
  • Small groups
  • Having a room specifically for use for isolating any ill children
  • Vigilantly monitoring staff and children for any signs of unwellness and acting promptly.
  • Daily cleaning with a household cleaner that contains soap or detergent reduces the amount of germs on surfaces and decreases risk of infection from surfaces.

In SPS disinfection works to reduce transmission of COVID-19 is made monthly by profesional cleaning company. Children are taught social distance during the activities, and they are encouraged to wash hands for 20 seconds using age-appropriate methods. Handsantizier,wipes and paper towels are avialable in all indoor and outdoor activites. Due to COVID-19 precautions tearchers and staff wear mask during the day and change clothes after coming school,eash and santize hands frequently during the day and maintain social distance between each other. Temperature checks are adopted for visitors in the enterance.Those with high temperature or with symptoms of flu will not allowed to enter. 2mm social distancing is maintaining by all adults on entry to the school site and in enterance foyer.

Nursery Class
Pre-School Class
Kindergarten Class

Lisa Smith

Nam nulla ipsum, venenatis malesuada felis quis, ultricies.

Lynette Hill

Nam nulla ipsum, venenatis malesuada felis quis, ultricies.

Nicole Lotter

Nam nulla ipsum, venenatis malesuada felis quis, ultricies.

Mary Porter

Nam nulla ipsum, venenatis malesuada felis quis, ultricies.




School Principal

Type of course

  • Select Option

  • Photography

  • Geography

  • English

  • Maths

    • Select Option

    • Photography 15

    • Geography 20

    • English 25

    • Maths 30

Number of person

Additional Activities

  • Select Option

  • Individual interview

  • Gymnastics

  • Cafeteria

  • Library

    • Select Option

    • Individual interview 5

    • Gymnastics 6

    • Cafeteria 7

    • Library 8

Online Lesson



Lessons Timetable

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