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Online Lessons

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Sport Activity

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5 Children


Face to face


12:00 - 15:00


One of the best benefits of taking riding classes is that your kids will have the chance to learn a new physical skill! When riding a horse, your child will learn how to physically adapt and interact with their horse and the environment, so it’s a great way to get them active without feeling like they’re ‘working out’.Though it may appear that the horse is ‘doing all the work’, horseback riding is actually a fun and effective way to get your kids to become more physically active.


Horse riding activities can help to develop a strong character as well as cultivate priceless life skills in children. Horserıdıng is one of our weekly activites for kids where handling, riding, and caring for a horse or pony develops a host of positive traits in a child, including responsibility, accountability,patience,empathy, kindness, and self-discipline.


There are many benefits of learning good horsemanship for kids. Here are a few benefits of horseback riding that your kids can learn during riding lessons:


Introducing horseback riding to young children can help them develop a love for horses and the outdoors.

Horseback riding lessons can teach children important life skills, such as patience, discipline, and responsibility.


Riding a horse is a great way for young kids to get exercise and spend time outside in the fresh air.


Caring for another living being is a powerful lesson for children.  Not only does it teach them to care for animals, but compassion and care for horses also translate to compassion and care for each other.


Horseback riding lessons offer something for everyone. Riders of all ages and skill levels will gain something from a horseback riding session. Easy-going children will enjoy an easy trail ride or therapeutic time with the horses.  Children who need sensory input will enjoy barrels or a bit more physically challenging ride


It allows them to connect to nature, get plenty of fresh air, instill a healthy habit, and make new friends all at the same time! The love for horses and horse riding is enduring and often leads to a lifelong hobby that your children will treasure and appreciate even as they grow well into adulthood. Riding also helps a youngster develop balance, coordination, and flexibility.


Horseback riding is a great activity to teach kids.Our coaches take an active role in horseriding lessons. They are always ready to encourage and support kids during the lesson.


Our belief that children are capable at a very young age to learn and develop any skills or interests they are given the opportunity to try. We foster their confidence and skills at an age and skill appropriate level to encourage each of our little riders.

Nursery Class
Pre-School Class
Kindergarten Class

Lisa Smith

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Lynette Hill

Nam nulla ipsum, venenatis malesuada felis quis, ultricies.

Nicole Lotter

Nam nulla ipsum, venenatis malesuada felis quis, ultricies.

Mary Porter

Nam nulla ipsum, venenatis malesuada felis quis, ultricies.




School Principal

Type of course

  • Select Option

  • Photography

  • Geography

  • English

  • Maths

    • Select Option

    • Photography 15

    • Geography 20

    • English 25

    • Maths 30

Number of person

Additional Activities

  • Select Option

  • Individual interview

  • Gymnastics

  • Cafeteria

  • Library

    • Select Option

    • Individual interview 5

    • Gymnastics 6

    • Cafeteria 7

    • Library 8

Online Lesson



Lessons Timetable

$ 0


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